TTS e-Newsletter Sign Up!

If you’re an office manager or office administrator, here’s your chance to get a FREE $10 Visa gift card!

Just sign up for the TTS quarterly e-newsletter below by entering your name and work email address in the contact form below. In the message box, be sure to specify the name of your office. Click the “Sign Me Up!” button, and you’ll be signed up for our e-newsletter. In return, we’ll send a $10 Visa gift card directly to your office!

The TTS e-newsletter is only issued four times per year via email, and we make sure to include the biggest and most relevant technology stories, industry information, tips, and warnings. We use our e-newsletter to keep office managers aware of technology threats and changes, as well as give helpful tips for using health and office technology.

We strive to make our e-newsletter interesting and, above all, USEFUL to our customers! You won’t regret signing up below- and the free gift card doesn’t hurt, either!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    What is the name of your office?