The Twilight Criterium race, which is the last in a series of races collectively dubbed “Speed Week,” drew over 150 cyclists from across Georgia, across the country, and even across the world. This year marks the Twilight’s 37 anniversary, and popularity for the even grows every year as downtown Athens is flooded with avid cycling fans, casual spectators, and those hungry for the fun and food of street fare. Though kids’ races and amateur races took place on Friday night and Saturday morning, the most popular races featured professional women’s cycling teams on Saturday evening, and professional men’s teams at twilight that night. The men’s race in particular drew enormous and enthusiastic crowds, and throngs of people crowded the race track to watch the cyclists fly by at speeds reaching 40 mph. With its huge turnout, it’s no wonder the Athens Orthopedic Clinic was able to raise so much money through this Athens staple event.
Athens Orthopedic Clinic (AOC) has helped sponsor the event for years, and partners with other familiar local names to fund the overwhelmingly popular event. While AOC is the lead sponsor of the event, other businesses such as Creature Comforts, Online Athens, and the Athens Area Habitat for Humanity help make the event a yearly success by hosting tents on the street for patrons. This year, Total Technology Solutions (TTS) decided to get in on the action with other local businesses, and partnered with AOC to contribute to the race day festivities. TTS assisted AOC in providing free snacks and dessert for its tent, and helped host a meal for those enjoying the race on Saturday evening, right before the big professional races. AOC’s tent, along with those scattered around the raceway, made for a great evening of summer festivities in combination with the bike races.
Lots of the TTS staff turned out to enjoy the event, and had a great time getting to know the other locals enjoying the AOC tent during the race. As always, it was a pleasure working with AOC to serve the community and to give back to a charitable cause like Habitat for Humanity. TTS looks forward to Twilight races to come! Find out more about the event here.