The Classic City is well known for its sense of community and fellowship, and ministry centers like The Sparrow’s Nest help make Athens a haven for those in need. Since 2006, The Sparrow’s Nest Christian ministry center has been giving back to the community by giving away meals, clothing, groceries, and granting free access to shower and laundry facilities. In order to make an even more permanent impact on the community, The Sparrow’s Nest offers weekly ministries, tutoring, and outlets to help individuals learn and grow with volunteers and friends. From offering chapel services, to helping patrons with addiction recovery, to assisting with transportation, The Sparrow’s Nest is deeply dedicated to providing as many services as possible to locals in need.
The ministry center, like many in Athens, runs entirely on donations from the public. Many locals contribute by donating used clothes or canned foods, but since The Sparrow’s Nest offers so many services, it also relies on local businesses like Total Technology Solution (TTS) in order to get much of the larger equipment it needs for its patrons. The ministry center was recently in need of an updated and improved computer lab so that patrons could learn basic computer skills, create resumes, get GEDs online, and use the internet for general purposes. TTS found out about The Sparrow Nest’s old computer lab, and donated its time and resources to help the non-profit provide better computer access for locals in need. In total, TTS donated 8 workstations to the computer lab- complete with licensed Microsoft operating systems- which were a big upgrade from the old computers that were missing programs such as Word and Excel. In addition to the computers, monitors, and keyboards, TTS also donated an industrial HP 4530 printer, power strips, port switches, and patch cables in order to completely upgrade the lab.
Like many other charitable businesses in the area, TTS will continue to provide support to The Sparrow’s Nest. TTS currently provides regular network maintenance for the non-profit, but hopes to soon be able to offer basic computer training classes to the patrons of the ministry center. Now, The Sparrow’s Nest is able to add reliable, updated computer access to its long list of public services. With its similar partnerships with individuals and businesses throughout the city, The Sparrow’s Nest is truly a huge force of good within the Athens community. Click the image below for a full list of their services, and to learn how you can help The Sparrow’s Nest give back.